Update Your Facebook Status With Twitter

Monday, December 7, 2009

The other day I was asked by a friend how I update my Facebook status even if I'm offline. I just said I updated through my mobile. Well, that's half true. I actually set it up so my Facebook status is updated with every tweet I post. I have been using Twitter a lot longer than Facebook and it seemed logical that I should use Twitter status updates to likewise update my Facebook status. Good thing about it is I can update my Twitter status by sending a text message to @tweetitow (more on that in this blog post: Send Twitter Updates Thru SMS).

Here's how I set up Facebook to update with my Twitter updates...

1. Login to Facebook and use Search get to the Twitter application page. It's best to just use Search within Facebook, the URL changes from user to user so I won't link to it directly:

2. Once there, click on Go to Application:

3. Authorize the app by clicking the Allow button:

4. Key-in your Twitter details:

5. After that you'll be redirected to your personal page where you could tweet from within Facebook. Click on the Allow Twitter to Update Your Facebook Status button:

And you are all set. All your tweets will appear in your Facebook as status updates. Happy tweeting!


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